Gurgle. Gurgle.
That’s the sound of some poor soul undergoing the first stages of food poisoning.
(Yes, this is about consulting… bear with me).
Anyway, food poisoning isn’t pleasant.
It’s… violent.
But, when you get food poisoning from salmon or something, you don’t swear off salmon.
That wouldn’t make any sense.
Sure, you might not want to go back to the restaurant ever again.
But it’s not the salmon’s fault.
Which brings me to this:
There are plenty of so-called experts out there who might give you metaphorical food poisoning.
Making big promises they can’t keep… Charging high fees… Not delivering results.
So let’s say you happen upon one of these “experts” and get burned.
You pay a lot and get nothing in return.
Does that mean you swear off hiring experts ever again?
No. Of course not.
Here’s what to do instead