This morning I was stuck in traffic on the highway.
There were trucks all around me.
I was breathing in toxic fumes.
And I was getting frustrated.
So I pulled off the highway and drove down to Lakeshore Road.
It took me a little bit longer to get to the office.
But I actually enjoyed the drive.
There were beautiful views, tall trees all around me, and a nice cool breeze coming from the lake.
Why am I telling you about my drive to the office?
Because this is a great metaphor for business.
In business, you can take the highway or the scenic route.
Most of us default to taking the highway.
Because you want to reach your destination as fast as possible.
The problem with taking the highway is it’s BORING.
And maybe even a little aggravating if you hate traffic like I do.
But when you take the scenic route…
You’ll actually enjoy the drive.
And you’ll still get your destination.
It just might take a little bit longer.
Bottom line…
Don’t get so caught up trying to reach your destination that you forget to enjoy the drive.
Because when you look back on your career, the journey is what you’ll cherish most.
What’s one experience you’ve had in the last 30 days that you want to stop and appreciate before continuing your journey?