“I need to consult a few people about this. We’ll get back to you.”
If these are things you’re hearing a lot of in sales conversations, here’s why…
You’re playing it too safe.
You’re not uncovering the pain.
And you’re not making a compelling case for action.
All of this boils down to one root case…
Your desire to be liked is getting in the way of having an authentic conversation with the buyer.
When you want the buyer to like you, you’re not going to steer the conversation in directions that are uncomfortable.
And talking about pain is uncomfortable.
But it’s also required to make the sale.
Because if there’s no pain, there’s no sale.
The fix?
Replace your “desire to be liked” with a “desire for respect”…
We respect people who are open, honest and transparent with us about what we’re up against…
Not people who hide the truth because they want to win our favour…
And ultimately, we want to work with people we respect, not people who tell us what we want to hear.
This is just one of the takeaways from my podcast interview with Peter Frumenti, which goes live next month.